Saneke Pen-Power proves why he is called the man of his people: sponsors first year mock exams on his birthday
Saneke Pen-Power proves why he is called the man of his people: sponsors first year mock exams on his birthday.
It is often said that the degree of loving is measured by the degree of giving, but the truism of this quote is not often revealed to a normal man who lives normally fending for himself alone.
Happiness on the other hand doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give, especially at the peak of our life celebrations. Celebration of life on birthdays for instance is one of the days to spread love to as many people as possible, making them have a taste of the better life we enjoy ourselves. It is no wonder that the trending young helper, Aneke Sochi Cyriacus, Saneke otherwise known as Pen-Power lives to these words even as he celebrates his birthday this day, October the 20th.
Aneke Sochi Cyriacus, Saneke is the student writer who sponsored and hosted a 3-Day creative writing Masterclass for students in most part of the world as part of his personal contribution to fighting boredom in the early stage of the Covid-19 triggered lockdown in April. As if that was not enough, this young saviour of humanity attracted bursary to two students during this time through the Unn SUG Secretary General; a move that earned him the respect of many.
Today being his birthday, this young writer whom the students' interests pleases maintained that he rather spends money giving the students opportunities to keep learning remotely than spending it on extravagant birthday parties. This resolve he put to practice by sponsoring One Thousand (1000) Unn First Year Students' Mock Exams on General Study Courses through an online academy popularly known as Apex. As if that was not enough, Saneke took the charge of rewarding five students who would emerge as highest scorers in the five different GS Courses they are to be tested on. According to him, this would help motivate them to prepare better and fully utilize the free opportunities created for them to test their scholarly abilities after a long stay at home. With these efforts, Aneke Sochi Cyriacus made it to one of the most celebrated UNN birthday celebrants in October, 2020.
These efforts of the Unn Pen-Power has gone on its way to prove that at the end it is not about what we have or even what we have accomplished. It is about who we have lifted up, who we have made better. It is about what we have given back to humanity. Aneke Sochi Cyriacus, Saneke is a young man to be emulated by young generational leaders for a better tomorrow.
Saneke Pen-Power proves why he is called the man of his people: sponsors first year mock exams on his birthday
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba

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