Comr. Chinedu Elect, a distinguished Unn activist releases a book to support the Nigeria's revolution
Comr. Chinedu Elect, a distinguished Unn activist releases a book to support the Nigeria's revolution
Comr. Chinedu Elect, one of Unn's most distinguished activists releases a book in favour of impending Nigeria revolution through Endsars.
The book "National Transformation Through Democracy" is a masterpiece and eye opener to our political dispensation. It is a call to both the leaders and the governed to imbibe with principles of democracy which signifies equity, fairness, justice and egalitarian society. National transformation is a democratic and revolutionary change at all level of governance and sectors, rebuilding and reconstructing our national political system.
In this newly released masterpiece, it is seen that democracy belongs to the people as described by Abraham Lincoln in 1809, it is a grassroot governance where every individual in a nation feels the impact of leadership and contributes maximally to the development of the nation. The progressive power of every nation depends on the amount of self denial contributions and sacrifices made by the citizens of the country. To get Nigeria working again we must apply the principles of democracy, rebuilding our political system, creating enabling environment where our citizens can show case their God-given talents without suppression or fear, where the life of the common man matters in national development.
This great book admonishes Nigerians to employ all the unifying factors towards rebuilding Nigeria of our dream, ameliorate the gap between ethnic majority and ethnic minority, in doing so it fosters our political participation and attaches importance to our livelihood and existence. Being a leader is a privilege which should be geared towards bettering the lives of the governed who trusted and entrusted you with power to make favourable changes, alleviating the social problem of the people and bringing solution to their basic needs. Nigerian leaders at this juncture should see themselves as servants, elected for a purpose to transform the nation, empowering the people towards social and economic development. National transformation and democratic principles call all hands to be on the deck in pushing Nigeria to the forefront of excellence, especially our political leaders to stand as an umbrella and symbol of unity and of one Nigeria in achieving the dreams of the founding fathers which says Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress, in discharging of duties. Our leaders should show good example of transparency and accountability in handling public affairs. Democracy demands creation of peaceful democratic society where the masses will vote and have confidence that their votes will count, this will increase political interest and participation and equally increases legitimacy in governance.
Nevertheless the citizens should show social support in defending our democracy and abiding to the constitutional rules and tenets of democracy which encourages right to live and be heard.
The book advices us in one accord to rebuild Nigeria with uttermost concern knowing that we have no other country than Nigeria, this should trigger our our consciousness and self belonging to revitalize Nigeria without selfish gain and corruption, together we build great and egalitarian nation, where peace, unity and progress in diversity will reign.
Indeed, this is a book in the right direction. A must read for all!
Comr. Chinedu Elect, a distinguished Unn activist releases a book to support the Nigeria's revolution
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba

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