Sequel to the many write ups and intellectual displays I have seen so far on the issue of reopening the Nigerian Schools,
I have very few points, in form of assignments, to make.
I have very few points, in form of assignments, to make.
First, I must commend all student leaders and activists who have showed in ways immeasurable their love for their fellow students, the love for all of us.
But I have one question to these write-ups: What solutions or sustainable safety measures are made in not only these writeups but other movements in the tone of 'StartOurSchoolNow'?
Is it just about opening schools? 'What if' Corona is real and we have student carriers? What will happen in our overcrowded and congested lecture halls? How would we cope with General Studies Lectures and Seminars? WHAT? These good movements are applaudable, no doubt, but like the Bible, it presented just one side of the story! While maintaining that students are doing nothing, may we not also forget that some students are still doing well this lockdown. While counting what students are losing academically, may we also consider the life, a priceless gift, they still have. Some of the dead victims of this pandemic virus are still young ones like them!
Now, for reasons best known to you, you have been pushing for schools to reopen, claiming LOVERS of the Nigerian Students. WONDERFUL! BUT, Do you consider that to open school is to open interstate and international boarders entirely?
Do you consider that the university, for instance, houses students from different states and countries? Have you really considered this too, counsels?
NCDC has been publishing cases like Intsablog publishes Celebrity gists, okay. There is no Corona Virus in Nigeria, okay. I agree with you, but what if there is no Corona in the country like you believe, have you considered that those international students coming from other countries to resume their schoolings are from other countries not Nigeria? Must we wait to touch the fire ourselves before we know that fire burns? Why won't the deaths of these Covid-19 Victims (God rest their souls) teach us that one who has life has it all, regardless of academics or whatsoever?
Indeed, you guys pushing for schools to open have good enough reasons, but your reasons are not quite reasonable enough, regretfully.
Practically, if you take a harmful object from a kid, you don't leave him to cry. You give him a harmless toy instead to substitute the ones you have taken away. That is an act of love. Comparably, If you want school to resume, get a sustainable solution for the virus (should it be in existence in the country). Let us not kill ourselves by ourselves, brethren!
Once I took time to ask one of the conversers of the new movement to open schools what he has as a solution to contain the spread and also enhance safety, he said the use of FACEMASKS will go a long way! Very ridiculous thing to say in a country where everything is a joke!
Using Unn as a case scenario, how many times do you receive hugs from your friends alone when you go through SUB? And you think 'WearYourFacemask' is a rule every student will adhere to?
Even in the buses, those who have Facemasks put it on when they get closer to Police checkpoints. Is that what you call safety? Is that how Nigerian Students will be saved when school resumes for them??
Let's be factual for once!
Do not compare Nigeria with Germany, China and other developed countries in the world whose schools have started! It will not work here; we are too careless to be serious!!
The Federal Government in their own way to see possibilities with all of us has given a mandate for schools to get to them before the latter dates of this month on safety measures to adapt to for school to resume. Perhaps you, as a student activist, could do this homework for these educationists by doing this assignment instead of making unreasonable reasons why school should resume. Till then, brethren, please stay at home. YOU'RE VERY IMPORTANT!
That we do not know the physical victims of the deadly virus doesn't mean we should be careless. Do not underrate grace! A wise man learns from the mistakes of others! Don't wait to do that mistake yourself. Learn from others, brethren! Life is underrated until you bust the mortuary or the emergency wards to see what your fellow human beings are going through.
We all know the truth, not many students like academic activities and even school itself, but they want to return to school this rainy season. Okwa anyi macha nke bu eziokwu. If, as a young person, you have nothing doing at home this lockdown, this is a very BIG opportunity for you to learn some skill or the other. Your fellow students have not asked others to sub for them or even borrowed money since the beginning of this novel pandemic Virus. It is as a result of skills learnt which is helping them currently. Why don't you do yourself a favour to learn some skills yourself than wanting to escape house chores at home.
Get back to school better, wiser and greater, brethren, don't just waste your time at home in front of TV screens and mobile devices.
Stay Safe! Stay Home! We shall conquer this in due time.
When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen! (Isaiah 60:22).
I am Aneke Sochi Cyriacus, SANEKE.
(Unn Pen-Power)
I'm open to criticisms.
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba

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