Since the lost of her values, Africa as a continent has come under the fierceness of corruption, lack of peace and insecurity. A continent that used to be as lovely as nature, characterized by love and hospitality is now a colony under the powers of violence and terrorism.
It is tearful, the extent to which the lack of peace and insecurity have hurdled our dear continent from meeting global standards.
I must hasten to mention that the achievement and sustenance of peace and security in Africa is an onerous task though not insurmountable, in view of this fact, the measures below should be employed to fan the embers of peace and security. I call these measures ‘the six fingers of a fruitful hand’.
i. Adoption of the rule of law.
ii. Appropriation of the wrong aspects of African cultures.
iii. Call for patriotism.
vi. Diplomacy.
v. Good Governance
vi. Public Enlightenment.
Must Read: Interview With UNN SUG Senate President, Dist. Sen. ChukwuEmeka Amos ChukwuEmeka
It is conspicuous that public unrest and insecurity are caused by some deplorable factors which includes; the practice of unethical cultures, the absence of the rule of law, citizens not being patriotic, the absence of diplomacy in the leaders’ character, bad governance and the forces of ignorance. Let’s briefly take a sip from the cup in held by the six fingers of a fruitful ha
i. Adoption of the rule of law:
In most African states, the law is like a cobweb. Influential and influential persons perpetrate crimes and go unpunished unlike the less privileged persons who are always victimized by the law. The Aristocratic citizens who feel like “we are above the law” are fund of setting up militant organizations to breach public peace. Court Systems in Africa has to ensure that such persons face the rotten part of the law as no man is above the law. By so doing, peace and security can be achieved and sustained.
ii. Appropriation of the wrong aspects of African cultures:
In most parts of Africa, it is in our character to see others as not part of us and this is one of the reasons why we keep having cases of xenophobic attacks and religious crisis. Religion is one of our cultural aspects which need to be appropriated immediately. Africans of different religious beliefs hardly co-exist in the same political and social society without violence ensuing. Let’s build the culture of co-existing peaceful with no violent actions motivated by ethnic and religious differences.
iii. Call for patriotism:
One of the most effective factors that can help achieve and sustain peace and security is the presence of patriotic citizens or subjects in any state. Different people act against the peace and dignity of Africa because they lack the spirit of patriotism. That love for our home is one of the things we do not feel. African leaders should persistently employ or engage suitable persons who will acculturate those they lead with the demands of patriotism. With the domination of patriotism, there will be no room for public unrest and insecurity.
iv. Diplomacy:
A critical and logical look at so many national and international war cases in Africa will prove the neglect of diplomacy. Situations of lack of peace and security is also a product of two or more parties not negotiating or shifting ground on their extremes in times of disagreement. National and international conflicts begin when there is no friendly relationship existing among the concerned states. For the sake of peace and security, leaders should be highly diplomatic in their dealings with both their citizens and other parties which can as well be a state(s). Diplomacy should be the watchword of African leaders for the sake of public rest.
v. Good governance:
Pandemonium in Africa is also triggered by bad governance. Some of the duties of every government include; the provision of educational and medical facilities as well as the construction of good roads, provision of pipe born water and the regular payment of salaries for workers. In the absence of these, the masses might take up arms against the government; some citizens might go into robbery and kidnap which will definitely result to lack of peace and security. African leaders must invest patronize the business of good governance if peace and security must be achieved and sustained in Africa.
vi. Public enlightenment:
“Educare” is a Latin word which means education, enlightening and bringing out of ignorance. Nelson Mandela of South Africa believes that education/enlightenment is the power with which we can change the world. The world, Africa to be précised has come under serious jeopardy because of her lack of information or better still, ignorance. People act without deserved reasoning and this factor has become disadvantageous to Africans in the aspect of peace and security. The establishment of schemes and agencies that will help educate people on what they need to know as citizens, what they ought to do and what they ought not to do, their rights and the limitations to their rights. This will go a long way in shaping peoples actions into something peaceful and ethical.
A good leader is one who leads by example, He/she is not egocentric, not a religious or cultural chauvinist. The war against insecurity in Africa should be a thing of concern for all Africans. Together we can make Africa the most peaceful continent again.
Must Read: Interview With UNN SUG Senate President, Dist. Sen. ChukwuEmeka Amos ChukwuEmeka
Most Dist. Sen. Chukwuemeka Amos Chukwuemeka,
Senate President, UNN & UNEC SUG.
This article above is not the opinion of Nwaigba info media but that of the Writer. You can object or commend him by reaching out to him.
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Must Read: SIX FINGERS OF A FRUITFUL HAND by Dist.Sen. Amos Chukwuemeka
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba

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