Comr. Eze Okenna Is the President faculty of Education student’s Association. In this interview, he shares his life both as a personality and a leader not excluding his Academic life and leadeeship role. He points out The achievement of his administration and the issues cum challenges that married his Administration most especially The Constitutional crisis and the 'Rape of ESA'.
Passionately, he shares about his Role in the Crisis that rocked his administration and the steps taken to contain it. His role in the progressive development of the faculty. He also narrates what will happen in 2019 general election and what ESAites should Expect in the Next ESA Election.
Unforgettably, he shares about the Expectations of the next ESA president, and what life will be for him after Graduation.
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Read the excerpt below to get enlightened.
Comr. Rotr. Ezeh Echezona E.
(C.E.O. Nwaigba Info Blog)
Hon. Rotr. Nwuko Alex O.
(C.E.O Mandate T.V)
Good Morning Sir,
Question: Can You give us a Brief introduction of yourself and what course you study ?
Ans: I am Comrade Eze Okenna from Department of Social Science combining Economics that is Education Economics.
Question: What Influenced your decision to study this Course?
Ans: I love Economics right from Time, from Secondary school. it was one of the subject I picked interest in, I did very well in it. Maybe also, it is because I love the teacher who was Teaching it then and so I became so interested in Economics that I decided to study it in the university. I couldn’t Get Economics the first time I tried, then I decided to go through Education so combining Education/Economics. That’s the reason why I study the Course.
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Question: how has studying Education Economics helped you in your role as a student Association leader ?
Ans: Education and Economics are two things that will help in shaping you into a Civilized citizen of the world. In Education, you learn a lot of things. You learn to Mold human beings, you learn to direct and manage human beings that’s what we do in Education and then in Economics; you learn to Control and direct resources. When you bring this two things together, you can achieve a lot of things, if we can be able to gather this two things together in the right way, we can achieve a lot of things. So it has really helped me to manage my office well in terms of handling the students and Resources of the association.
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UNN: Interview with Comr. Eze Okenna, ESA President |
Question: what does a typical day in the Life of Eze Okenna Foster?
Ans: My typical Day is; wake up in the Morning, come for lectures and then go back to my house and do the things am suppose to do, But that was before now. I don’t joke with my Afternoon sleep. So each time I give back home I must sleep I the afternoon, then I like studying in the evening and that’s my best time for studying. I can read from 4pm to 11pm if I don’t have any other thing to do before getting tired. That’s my typical day.
I also involve in social activities , attends events and birthdays. Sundays, I go to church and Saturday I stay at home mostly.
Question: You are coming to the end of your tenure as ESA president, how has the faculty changed and or developed since you became the president?
Ans: Well, I won’t like to beat my drum, but
I have to say that we have achieved much. Now, if you are a member of The Faculty(ESA) or you are conversant with ESA, you will realise that a number of things have changed. When we Came into office we introduced a lot of things.
First, being that we made sure that students who did very well from ESA are encouraged and Example is that we introduced the scholarship and award to be given to the best graduating students of the faculty. We planned it to be that the student will be going home with Fifty Thousand Naira but then we had financial Challenges, the money came down to Twenty thousand Naira. This is an award we give to students and I believe it will continue.
We also introduced the revised polo for the Faculty, you see the polo we have now, the quality and It is Fashionable also the ID Card. Then, coming to the Big projects, we have this ESA building which had being dilapidated for long, the building needed to be renovated. We embarked on the project by changing the roof and lifting the building, then Patching up areas that need to be patched up, then the Glasses in the window, we changed them to Alumaco.
We also Repainted the ESA building. The building now has a new look, courtesy of this our administration and then you go to ESA toilet that has not been functioning for long, the toilet is ready for usage, we have Purchased the Geepee tank that will supply water to the Urinary House, so the toilet is functioning now and a lot of other things.
Question: From the students point of view, I can observe all thus you have mentioned, we will like to know the most difficult part of the job?
Ans: It remains finance. We had finance as our biggest challenge, but we are able to cut off a lot of things. We sat down and realized that some expenses were really not necessary.
Question: what lies ahead for the next ESA president?
Ans: I will say that the incoming Executive led by an incoming president still have a lot to offer. Yes we have done one or two things but looking at the building, you would notice it does not have Seats, chairs, it will be a thing of joy if they can be able to furnish it with Chairs. We expect the new President to look at Areas where we lacked and improve on them. The building still needs some touches, the seats and Also the floor so that we can have a standard ESA Building.
I will also like him to continue with the Innovation of Giving Monetary award to the best graduating students of the faculty and any other thing that will give them Credit.
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Question: During your reign as the Faculty president the Faculty witnessed a constitutional crisis, what do you have to say about that?
Ans: Well, what really transpired was actually lack of understanding or bridge of communication as you may call it, between the Exco's and the House of Reps Members. Right from time we always have that relationship till when some things didn’t happen the way some individuals had wanted. Then, there was a clash between the Exco's and the HOR members. So, this is what actually or the main thing that happened.
We are able to control or contain this issue and then in the process a lot of things happened even to the point of dragging and degrading the President's Name and office, which exposed that they are not matured and reserved in their dealings. Of all this thing they were doing, Posting and ranting, No single Exco member made noise or even shouted or responded. We were very much calculative and followed decorum, that was the right procedure of doing things.
ESA has a Constitution and it has been in place but there is Constitution and there is what is called convention. So there has been a convention, and that convention is what ESA had been led with before we entered, that convention is still what we applied in our leadership of ESA. That convention at a point did not suit some persons and they know how to find the Constitution. The current constitution seriously needs some amendments, a lot of things there are not in place. The Constitution needs to be upgraded, modernized to fit into what we currently have in the university not the archaic type, that’s why the Constitution is not fashionable.
We expect the new incoming Government especially Legislature to work on it. That’s one of the shortfalls of the house. We expect the incoming administration or Leadership of ESA to do that.
Question: The ESA House Of Rep accused the President Also of hiding the Constitution so that you and Your Exco can rule Unilaterally without them ?
Ans: Hiding the Constitution, do we have a single written copy of the Constitution? If yes, then it can be hidden, else, the president does not have the power, it means I should recall every copy of the Constitution where so ever they are, which is not possible.
Constitution is everywhere and open for anyone to access. Every student can have the Constitution, past students, past administration, even the speaker of the house has one, because he was formerly the chief judge of the faculty, and every other person out there. So saying that the president hid the Constitution is uncalled for, because it is just like saying that the president of Nigeria hid the Constitution. What’s the possibility? I have my own Constitution and that’s my personal property.
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Question: information brought to us shows that the last faculty Congress was basically to override the decisions of the House of Rep, how true is this ?
Ans: The congress was basically to override the decisions of the house. There should be congress and it is constitutionally provided. So the congress first of all was meant to be, and the congress super cedes every other decision, every other authority as far as the Education student's Association is concerned. The congress is a forum where every other stakeholder come and decide whatever happens. So saying the congress was just to override the decision of the house, if the congress finds the decision of the house uncalled for and wanting, then the congress will have to strike back against It. May be the outcome of the congress didn’t suit the decisions of the House of Rep but the congress represents the students In general, every member of the faculty even the president cannot Override its decisions.
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Question: We got an information that the ESA chief judge is still working in acting capacity while he goes around parading as the chief judge. Because the judicial council is supposed to be constipated of five personnel and only the chief judge was sent to the HOR for rectification and approval?
Ans: The chief judge was duly nominated and sent to the house for approval, did they approve him? From the feedback I got from them, he was (approved). After the approval, they came and declared him the chief judge in the first congress we had. So how come people are insinuating this, you were there( the correspondence) , The ESA HOR speaker was there in the congress and every other person was there in the congress. Now you say he is not the chief judge, That he is an acting chief judge, while he was introduced to the whole ESAites in the congress as the chief judge, so how come they are saying he is not the chief judge?.
Question: we met some ESAites and most of them told us that the judicial organ is supposed to be constituted of Five persons but we are having just the Chief Judge ?
Ans: yes, it is meant to constitute of Five(5) Persons but then the House never allowed any other person to scale through and that was when they started fighting and throwing tantrums. So, the list and whatever we sent to them were kept aside, even the budget and every other thing we passed to them, till now they refused and failed carry out their Constitutional Duty.
Question: what was your reaction when you hear that the Entire Exco have been Suspended due to their Inability to attend the Summoning of the House?
Ans: One thing is that it is actually impossible everywhere, constitutionally or otherwise to summon the whole executive and then declare them suspended. This is just acting above your powers. You don’t summon a whole Executive at once. You Find any office that is defaulting you summon him/her Personally. Then, Reacting that you summoned all of them and that they refuse to appear, Thereby suspending all of them. What will happen? The association will collapse.
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Question: During the Constitutional Crisis, We Interviewed some HoR Members and they stated that with the look of things that ESA House of Rep might be Scrapped by the President or be Suspended ; what do you have to say about this allegation ?
Ans: The president is planning to scrap the HoR? when was that coming ? Then or Now?(Then).
Well , there was a move to scrap the ESA House Then, but it was totally not coming from the president. There was these noise and shouting associated with the House then. One thing the HoR never did was following due process. They went beyond and above the Faculty.
I think if anything goes wrong in the faculty you start from the faculty, by the time you bypass the faculty hierarchy. The lecturers in the Faculty can resolve issues and put things in order. But then you started taking letters and distractions and a lot of things outside the Faculty of Education and going to the student affairs, going to Security and then you are going to the V.C Office dropping letters everywhere. Then, People have to react and if you are in authority and the highest authority in the faculty and someone else where is calling you asking you what’s happening in your faculty? And this is something you are not aware of , and something you know you can easily resolve, then what will happen? You will be unsettled and you will want to take some actions.
The Dean Considering the wrong effect the HoR were bearing on the Faculty, they dragged the Name of the faculty and painted the faculty a war zone, whereas the faculty was peaceful. How many students were Complaining? How many people were agitating? So they were dragging the faculty, wrote to security and every other external Persons.
Then, the Dean reacted, she wanted to scrap the HoR but there were pleading from some quarters to allow them exist. So that’s why actually the HoR was not scrapped. Left for the President, I have no business scrapping the HoR, " I have never thought or planned that".
Question: By the Next Election, the House Of Rep. Might not be in Existence ?
Ans: By the next election, being that I am not going to be around to conduct the next election. If ESAites or any other Person finds it worthy that the House needs to be in place, then the HoR will be in place.
Question: Judging From what you Have seen in this Administration, will you like the HoR to Still Exist ?
Ans: I want a house that is more mature in their dealings. I said I was once a member of the ESA HoR before I became the president. In the House I served we were very matured In our dealings and more responsible. I want a HoR that will work with the Executive to make sure that things are done and things are moving fine, and not a House that is tantamount to wars, fighting and Distractions.
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Question: what was you reaction about the Information and post that Circulated round the Campus that you had an affair with the treasurer inside the ESA office ?
Ans: well, my reaction was natural. First of all , I was moved by Impulse to react, but I had to calm down after consulting with some offices and then allow the right process resolve the issue. What I did was to consult the Authorities and some staffs. Apart from me, the character of someone else was being toiled with. She had to take her case to the right quarters, I was invited to give the much I knew about the issue.
I think the authorities rightly handled that case, persons were invited to defend what they put up. If you lay and accusation you are meant to defend it. Till now they have not been able to defend that, rather what they did was to trade blame and blames. This one is blaming that one and the other, that one. This is how they kept blabbing and I learnt after that the HoR suspended one of their member because of the wrong accusation.
So, I still wonder why the House never denounced the accusation if they don’t want to accept it. They throw the blame to one individual and suspended him. When it was trending online nobody from the house came forward to denounce it wasn't their plan. So you see my reaction was that of calmness and quietness. But did it really affected you? Yes . I was calm about it, because I know it didn’t affect my office especially when you know you are wrongly accused.
Question: We Got an information not too long about the missing Revolving chair in ESA office, we will like to hear your Reaction about the allegation that you are in possession of it as the president and or that you sold it?
Answer: The chair got stolen at the point when the ESA building is being renovated. The office was left open for the workers while some other things were locked up including the chair using some materials to cover it up. But then we came back and realized that the chair have been moved. We cannot explain the strategy they use in doing that because we properly locked up the office during the evening time when the labourers must have been through. But we came back one of the days during the noon time only to discover that the chair is no more. We reported to the Security .
Question: Are you stating emphatically that you have no hand in the allegation of the chair being sold?
Ans: For what reason will you sell the chair ? Selling the chair means that you want to get money and if I wanted to get money, I think there is other means of getting money better than selling the chair. You want to make money from ESA , maybe you would have just left the ESA building like that and use the money rather than selling chair. How much will a chair cost ?
What convenience will it be for the president to sit on a plastic chair when you have a revolving chair ? I don’t have any other office, or do I keep it in my parlor or bedroom if I want to use it for my personal reasoning?. So the chair got missing and that was actually towards the period when the whole issue came up and by impulse you begin to suspect that these individuals who have been disturbing the faculty were behind it, so we carried out some investigation and we didn’t really reach any conclusion or we got nothing out of it. The only thing we could do was to withdraw.
Question: By this statement you are stating categorically that those alleging this accusation should come forward with any evidence that seems to show you are behind it ?
Ans: If there is anywhere or anything that they can come up with , then it is good, it is welcomed, let’s truly and strictly investigate and know how far.
Question: There seems to be a change in the usual schedule For ESA Election, what do you have to say about that ?
Ans: A change in ESA Election schedule! Alright. There was innovation by the staff Adviser who works hand in hand with higher authorities and then communicate down to us, that they want to invent a new structure. That structure will make it that students who are in their final year should be focused on their academics and then allow other students to handle the affairs of the Faculty.
This Structure means that election shall hold early next session, this means that some students who are in third year (As of The time when this interview is conducted) who are legitimately qualified to contest will not be Eligible to contest again because the election will be shifted to the beginning of next semester, then they will be in final year and constitutionally ESA does not provide any position for students in final year . so that’s the new structure and election will be coming up early next Session (First semester).
Actually, there have not been enough time and space for studnets to come together for us to sample the views of students on this because this came at the time when students are busy with their exams. I think by next semester maybe before the election , the new Administration or the Govt. That will be in charge before then may convene the students and let them discuss the structure as they are preparing for the election. I will not be here, because I am graduating and I will be leaving this school. We are planning on setting up the INTERIM Govt. That will stay till the proper election is conducted.
Question: Did you narrate the implication , effects and disadvantages of this new structure when the staff adviser sold this idea to you ?
Ans: Yes!, I did.
At first I found it strange. This is not what we are used to. So I had to make my own position known and let him know a lot of things; Being in third year or final year may not prevent you from focusing on your academics, I also think we need student who are more matured and experienced to handle our positions, those in second years may not really have gotten the full experience. So I made some moves to see if it can be reversed.
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Question: what should ESAites expect prior to next election?
Ans: Currently, ESAites should expect an interim Administration that will handle the next election. Expect an election that will be widely accepted , free and fair . Everyone will be carried along and that every vote will count. That’s what they should expect prior and in the next Election.
Question: For the Interim Govt. Who and who are we Expecting ? What’s the process and how? Can you give us an insight ?
Ans: The process started some days back, and considering that this students who have been going about making plans and campaigning had gone a long way. So we decided to choose the government among them, and after the decision we called them for an interview involving committee of departmental presidents and faculty Exco's and stakeholders who screened this individuals. Among this students we selected , although the process has not come to a final conclusion, we are picking students who are representing us till Election.
Question: Are you assuring ESAites that the process will be transparent and fair ?
Ans: It depends on your definition of fair and Transparent
Question: I mean the most qualified and fit or the best capable hand to conduct wonderful election by next session?
Ans: Definitely, that’s why we conducted the screening for us to know the one’s who are okay and fit. But that will be based on the judgment of the committee.
Question: for the sake of posterity and Clarity, we have two presidential aspirants who are set for the election, can you in two sentences tell us which of them have the potentials to deliver ESAites?
Ans: I can’t really tell you that until then. Because I might say something now and tomorrow it turns to be another thing. I can’t say that till the names are being published after the final Process and the list made known to Everyone of the ESAites.
Question: what have you learnt about yourself since becoming the president?
Ans: Becoming the president expose you so much to a lot of experiences. First you encounter peoples ,students and staffs. You get experiences both the good and the bad. And it has really sharpened me and prepared me for the outside world. If I will like to embark on politics I know more, if given more opportunity to serve , I think I will serve better. That’s one thing I benefited and the experiences.
Question: what are your plans for the future ?
Ans: First of all I will like to thank God for my successful sojourn in the university. From First year to Final year I have been progressing and I think I had it all. So all Glory to God. My Future plans, I see a bright future . am entering into the world and then I look forward to making my own mark and also make the money because it is also there.
Question: Following the trend, we will like to know if you will be inviting ESAites to your marriage Ceremony By this time next year?
Ans: By this time next year? (laughs), Well, by this time next year I should be selfish! Being alone my self and my self alone That’s bachelorhood. By this time Next year, I will be dealing with NYSC but don’t worry very soon in a Short time, it won’t be up to Five years and I will invite the Whole Esaites.
Question: Any advice for students and Students who play Politics ?
Ans: Yes! Yes! Yes!. Do I still advice them ? Or do I advice those who views or finds politics as a distraction? I have spent years in UNN, and this is my fourth year in the school. I have experienced the presidents and Ex- presidents and the student leaders. And from my Experience I have discovered that a lot of them at the end of it all they leave here with a good score. The first president I met here was Agbo Paul in my First year and he graduated with Good result. The second person was Kennena, he left here with a nice result and the third person was pastor Steve Odoh and then myself. So I don’t want them to see politics as a distraction, Rather an avenue to express yourself and be involved. Then at the end of it you gain a lot of experience. In fact, UNN is not a place where you be a transfusion student from lecture room to Café then to home BECAUSE is called UNIVERSITY and ‘Marahadum' in Igbo. One is expected to marahadum. So the best aspect of university life is social life. It is not about academics, reading, jacking and Jacking. Be involved, get Involved. (that’s a Nice advice)
Question: Coming to Nigerian politics of today; is all about decamping and cross-carpeting. Can you share with us what you feel as a young politician? And what you feel about what is going on in the country ?
Ans: well, Decamping has to do with the same set of people using different platforms of ‘APC & PDP' to showcase their Political might. Politicians who are staunch members of PDP moved over to APC in 2015 because of whatever reasons, but they are back now to PDP.
Well, I foresee PDP wining 2019 Election. I don’t see any change because the government will still be composed by this same people. You are leaving a party and you criticizing the party. What’s there reason for leaving PDP then and APC Now? Am sure they will still decamp to APC again or any other party that comes up again. So all this decamping does or will not change our situation.
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Question: During your Reign, you produced one SUG official and Deputy Speaker of the Union, how do you feel?
Ans: well, I feel that, I feel somehow. All Glory to God. Yet I feel somehow Unfulfilled because I thought we could have had more. So I pray that the faculty will produce capable hands to represent us in the nearest future in more powerful offices. We need more persons/ ESAites to be in those offices next time.
Question: Finally, what legacy should ESAites remember you for ?
Ans: Well, I think I shoukd be remembered by my deeds. My deeds in the faculty. When I say ‘My deeds' I mean how far I tried in changing the face of the faculty, I and my Exco's had the best programs, Talk about the orientation, cultural day , Burn fire Night, ESA award Night. At least, for the first time we are having ESA night at EKPO Ref. We also helped in organizing the Inauguration of TRCN induction of our past graduates and that was the first time it happened. All our programs are good and that’s part of the legacy. But then the biggest is the structure renovated even though we didn’t have 80% of what we had in mind to have in terms of that building. This are the things that will make them remember my Tenure and Stay in UNN.
Insight: Interview With UNN Education Faculty President, Comr. Eze Okenna
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba
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