Edited by Echezona Ezeh,
What is SUG,Powers and Duties ?
This question is always on the lips of those yet to witness the activities in the University. The SUG is an Acronym meaning “Student Union Government” . it comprises of many officials (e.g. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director’s etc.), usually headed by a president.
The student government president ( student body president , student council president , or The Aluta 001) is generally the highest-ranking officer of a student union. The Duties and powers of the SUG President or the authority and responsibility of SUG President vary according to the respective institutions. Students performing in this role typically serve a ceremonial and managerial purpose, as a spokesperson of the entire student body. The president may oversee his or her association's efforts on student activity events and planning, school policy support from students, budget allocation, fiscal planning, recognition of developing issues pertaining to students, and communication between faculty/staff and the student body.
One of the main Duties of the SUG president is working with students to resolve problems, informing school administration of ideas emanating from the student body, and managing the student government in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer. In Nigerian universities more than 70% of student government presidents are compensated in various ways.
Read>>>>>5 Issues You’ll Face as a Student Leader( 1)
The post below was seen on a Facebook timeline of one Undergraduate of IMO state University(IMSU). This article or post by ‘Decla Ogechukwu' is a Reminder and Also a wake up call to her SUG officers especially the President to Rise Up to his duties, to Address the student Trending issues in the University. Below is the post,She titled it
The post and article in quote is not the opinion of Nwaigba info media but that of the poster. You can object or commend her by visiting her Facebook wall @Decla Ogechukwu.
What is SUG,Powers and Duties ?
This question is always on the lips of those yet to witness the activities in the University. The SUG is an Acronym meaning “Student Union Government” . it comprises of many officials (e.g. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director’s etc.), usually headed by a president.
The student government president ( student body president , student council president , or The Aluta 001) is generally the highest-ranking officer of a student union. The Duties and powers of the SUG President or the authority and responsibility of SUG President vary according to the respective institutions. Students performing in this role typically serve a ceremonial and managerial purpose, as a spokesperson of the entire student body. The president may oversee his or her association's efforts on student activity events and planning, school policy support from students, budget allocation, fiscal planning, recognition of developing issues pertaining to students, and communication between faculty/staff and the student body.
One of the main Duties of the SUG president is working with students to resolve problems, informing school administration of ideas emanating from the student body, and managing the student government in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer. In Nigerian universities more than 70% of student government presidents are compensated in various ways.
Read>>>>>5 Issues You’ll Face as a Student Leader( 1)
The post below was seen on a Facebook timeline of one Undergraduate of IMO state University(IMSU). This article or post by ‘Decla Ogechukwu' is a Reminder and Also a wake up call to her SUG officers especially the President to Rise Up to his duties, to Address the student Trending issues in the University. Below is the post,She titled it
“Sometimes I wonder the Duties Of The SUG officials I voted for in office.
Aren't they supposed to fight for the rights of the majority?
Aren't they supposed to Make sure they act as the mouth piece of students Since we don't Make use of Referendum?
What was Imo State government thinking when they asked all Non-indigenes Students to Start paying #150,000 (other faculties) LAW (#180,000) And MEDICINE (#190,000) In a State School where there's no School Hostel.
Students have to Rent private Hostels and Lodges Worth #120,000 and above.
In a school where we buy textbooks per semester not even per section, ranging from #20,000- #30,000 depending on departments
In a school Where there are no enough Learning Halls and Class rooms.
Most times when the halls are available there are no enough seats, students have to stand to learn.
How is that a conducive learning environment?
In a school where we lack security, phones and properties are been Snatched from students inside the school premises under the compliance of Threat.
Are non-indigenes not Humans?
Other schools that pays close to that amount provided students with the necessary prerequisites.
As leaders your duties are to make sure the needs of people are provided. The opinion of the majority group are put into consideration not otherwise. Same non-indigenes you want to pay over #150,000 to 190,000 ( depending on the Faculty) Have Others needs to attend;
House rent #120,000 - #180,000
Textbooks per semester #20,000 - #30,000, Other miscellaneous needs, Feeding and others.
SUG Officials should take appropriate Measures over this, Your offices doesn't just revolves around Hosting
*Mr and Miss IMSU
*Hosting Old School day
*Attending Birthdays of government representatives And other functions. It goes beyond that, That was not what we elected you all for, My efforts of passing through stress voting shouldn't be in vain.
Aluta Continua
The post and article in quote is not the opinion of Nwaigba info media but that of the poster. You can object or commend her by visiting her Facebook wall @Decla Ogechukwu.
To get your Article Published, Kindly Email nwaigbaturtlestar@gmail.com
SUG President's : Students not Slaves, Rise up to your Duties
Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba

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