SUG President Grabs ESA Capacity Leader of the year Award

Held on Friday, 30th June 2017 At the Newly Renovated Esa Lecture Theatre.

During the Award Night,The Education Faculty President, Mr. Odoh Stephen Rewarded many Hardworking students with Award and Medals, Mostly based on Performance.

The SUG President, Comrade Ezeja Joshua Was Awarded The Capacity Leader of The Year Award.
Dressed In Black through out, With His Face Cap, He Climbed The Stage While Some Of His Exco's Notably The D.O.S and many Dignitaries Present Accompanied Him To Collect The Award.

SUG President Grabs ESA Capacity Leader of the year Award SUG President Grabs ESA Capacity Leader of the year Award Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba on 23:13 Rating: 5

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