Anticipation: Maiden Interview With UNN Education Faculty President

Pastor Steven, Is the president faculty of Education student’s Association,University of Nigeria Nsukka. In this interview, he shares his life both as a personality and a leader not excluding his Pastoral life and role. He points out what the title ‘Pastor' means to him, how old he has been in the Lord vineyard.

Passionately, he shares about his personal and academic life. His role in the progressive development of the faculty. He also narrates some incident about his institution that has impacted positively on him, sharing some of his inspiring words and motivating factor.

Unforgettably, he shares about duty of the next president , stipulating the kind of individual that can sustain and pilot the affairs of the faculty for proper governance. He also shares about his would be Wife and Hus female friends. Some advice for Aspirants! Read the excerpt below to get enlightened.

Anticipation: Maiden Interview With UNN Education Faculty President Anticipation: Maiden Interview With UNN Education Faculty President Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba on 10:33 Rating: 5

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