The Library Management wishes to invite all staff, students and researchers, to visit the newly upgraded Institutional Repository of the University, herewith referred to as UNNSPACE. The Repository has been upgraded from 3.0 to 6.04 , and running on
Ubuntu Linux which has also been upgraded from 12.0 to 16.04 LTS. Right now, University of Nigeria has the latest DSpace-powered Institutional Repository in Nigeria. Thanks to the University Administration for the support in achieving this feat.
The Upgrade enables easy navigation of the repository with relevant statistics and the integration of ORCID ( Open Researcher and Contributor ID ). These and many more, are obtainable in the newly upgraded UNNSPACE.
Authors are hereby encouraged to visit the
UNNSPACE following these steps:
1. Visit unn.edu.ngwww.unn.edu.ng ,
2. Under LIBRARIES, navigate to Institutional Repository
Alternatively, visit the URL: http://repository.unn.edu.ng:8080/xmlui/
NB: Lecturers and PG students are urged to have their publications showcased on UNNSPACE by submitting to: nal@unn.edu.ng
For enquiries, please contact: nal@unn.edu.ng ,

Signed: The University Librarian

UNN LAUNCHES UNNSPACE UNN LAUNCHES UNNSPACE Reviewed by Ezeh Emmanuel Nwaigba on 05:31 Rating: 5

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